Update Time (Quarantine Edition)

Hey Scribblers!

I’ve been gone for a little while so I wanted to share a more personal update.

I’m going to be honest with you: life’s held some challenges over the past few months and it’s been more difficult for a couple of weeks. I’ve been away from home for work and was very nearly stuck abroad until May!

Luckily I had the chance to drive back to the UK before the borders closed. It was probably the smoothest road trip I’ve ever taken, as the roads were virtually empty. Since I was a passenger, I was able to take some pictures (check out my Instagram for more):

Sunny drive through Belgium
White cliffs of Dover from the Ferry
Snuck a peek at Dover Castle before heading home!

Once I got home, due to some family issues and effects of being stuck in quarantine, some of my personal demons reared their ugly mugs and I’ve been struggling to fight them off. My inspiration to write was lost and I couldn’t even find an escape in stories as I usually do. I underestimated how challenging it would be to maintain healthy coping mechanisms and self care while in a lock-down environment.

Today, I’ve started to feel more like myself again. I’m finding ways to keep active and get fresh air when I can. I’ve been able to reach out and open my heart to loved ones and share some of the burden in a way I never have before. I started revisiting the meditative practices that help me find clarity and spiritual connection.

Unsurprisingly, RPGs are playing a big factor in my mental healing too:

  • I decided that this was a good time to try out an RPG that’s been on our shelf for a while, so we cracked open the Burning Wheel books and did a one-on-one session. This system is especially good for deeper role-playing, character exploration and, by extension, inner reflection!
  • I’m also prepping to reunite with the Heroes of Iyastera groups to continue our campaigns through Discord 🙂

Now that my inspiration has been re-kindled, I’m excited to get back to writing and streaming this week:

  • I’m back on my usual streaming schedule this week, with some bonus content for you Scribblers who are quarantined with kids (anyone up for some legit Story Time?)
  • I’m making up for my absence by releasing some special Patreon goodies
  • Blog posts will continue with the usual folklore and RPG goodness

Last but not least, I want to thank all of you for sticking with me and continuing to reach out during the past few weeks. This is a difficult time for everyone, no matter where you live…but I want you to remember something: this will pass and we will emerge on the other side together.

This experience is changing the world in unexpected ways: People are finding new ways to tap into their creativity. Communities are coming together to support those in need. Governments are taking a more serious look at their social programs and infrastructure. It’s during times like these that we learn the most about ourselves, both on an individual and societal level.

It’s more important than ever to take care of yourself and connect with others in any way you can. Human contact is vital to our mental health, so even if we have to maintain that physical distance, PLEASE find ways to check in on eachother…our Iyastera Discord channel is a great place to start!

Keep Scribbling.

Keep Adventuring.

Keep Washing your Hands 😉


Scriv <3

One thought on “Update Time (Quarantine Edition)

  1. You are wonderful, Scriv 😊
    Glad you’re home. Glad you’re safe and well. Glad you’re scribbling.
    Keep using those tool, kiddo😉
    Love you, my friend.

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